And so the season ends…As I am writing this it’s 8 degrees (plus) and it’s raining. The snow is diappearing fast, the birds are singing, the black grouse is playing and the swans have returned. Soon the ice on my lake will disappear – time to get the canoe out!
I didn’t post any blogs since the end of january – just to busy guiding tours! I will try to write something about the bushcraft courses and all of the mountain tours in the next week.
I ended the season in the beginning of may with a four day solo sledtrip. Well, I wasn’t completely alone, I had 8 dogs as company. Linus and Sunnan in lead and then Tjerkis, Maya, Moby, King, Liss and Melvin.
I started out from Ritsem, high up in the mountains, where the snow was still good. From there I drove over Sitasjaure – Hukejaure – Ivarstenen – Tjårvejaure – Tjäktja – Sälka – Hukejaure – Sitasjaure – Ritsem, about 140 km in total. Apart from some snowmobiles in the start and one skieer (didn’t stop to talk to him) I didn’t meet anyone! Good times. One grows tired of talking to people in the end of the season…
I camped on the way, which is quite comfortable in this time of year and you can stop for the night wherever you like. Mostly where you can find open water.
It’s a great way of ending the season to just go out with some dogs and a tent.