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October 2012


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Today we got about five centimeters of snow. Magic! The world looks so much different when it’s covered in a layer of fluffy white snow. Ran 12 km with one team and 18 km with the other. The dogs ran… Read More »Snow!

Autumn training

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The dogs are trained in two teams in front of a quad bike. They are running up to 18 km now. This week we got the first snow. Even if it is only one cm or so,  it makes it easier on… Read More »Autumn training

Names for the puppies

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Finally we decided on the names for the puppies. As the mother is part Greenland, we decided it should be Greenlandic names: Nanu (polar bear), Nilak (ice) and Nivi (girl) for the girls and Nuka (little brother) for the boy.